Inspired by so much, and such little time to do it, I have compiled a quick list of projects that I want to do. Now the hard part is making time to start checking these things off.
First off:
Playing with Lighting:
There are so many cool lighting project that I want to do. I've actually been fascinated with customized lighting for awhile now, but can never make myself take the plunge to acquire parts. And I even have teacups that are perfect for this. [Sydney Morning Herald]
Natural Wood Projects:
There are a lot of projects that would fall under this category, including a ridiculously cute tree branch and slate table that I just saw on design sponge! And really, my parents have already mastered this with the tree branch candle holders that they made for Christmas last year. I just need a chainsaw . . .
Also, the guys at [Cantilever and Press] have some cool things working!
Yarn Projects:
Okay, it's about time that I learn how to knit, or crochet, or something. There is way too much couch downtime in my life for my hands not to be busy on something so cute as this. It's a mandrake from Harry Potter! Cuteness.
[Mr. Fox]
Air Plant Gardening:
Now to be fair, I am ready to do this project. I even went on an air plant gathering walk at the Riverwalk yesterday, but finding air plants in SC is much more difficult than finding them in your yard down in FL. Just saying. These mounted air plant plaques are so cute, and they help clean the air you breathe as well.
Why haven't I tried to make these yet? To be fair, they take a lot of work, patience, and preparation, which are basically the three things I hate about cooking. But I've make it through the Liukse waffles recipe several times by now, so how bad can this really be?
Image from [Macaroon Cafe]
That is well enough to keep me busy for some time. What projects are any of you working on?
P.S. I've written this whole post while Fosca sleeps away under my desk. The life of a cat . . .
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