Thursday, June 23, 2011

Salmon with Lime and Honey

When I finally came to reside in my apartment again, and not driving back and forth to open new Panera cafes, living out of hotels and the like, I craved fresh and whole foods. So much of the past three months entailed eating take out and Panera.  And alcohol.  But that's another story!

I bought so much produce and seafood that I had to share with friends lest it spoil.  One of the meals that I most looked forward to was the salmon fillets.  I knew I wanted to incorporate a lime, but I wasn't sure what else I wanted to use.  As the self-proclaimed Queen of throw together seasonings and marinades, I had no trouble.

Salmon with Lime and Honey

Salmon Fillet
Old Bay Seasoning
Garlic Powder
Honey- enough to baste the top
Limes juice and wedges

Add each of the dry seasonings to the Salmon and pat down.  Squeeze half of a lime over the fillet, then slice the rest for wedges.  Cover the top with honey and spread to cover the entire top.  Arrange the lime wedges on top of the fillet.  Bake or Broil in oven until fish is firm throughout.  
I tend to under cook mine.

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