Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Signs for the senses

Lots of effort have gone into signage over here in Europe.  This pleases me.  Not only does it help me to figure out what they actually do in a foreign language, but it also speaks to their craft and dedication as a culture.  My mind wanders immediately to Salzburg's Getreidegase, which is, perhaps, the best example of this.  Every storefront on that historic street is required to have a hanging sign that signifies what they offer.  It makes for a wonderful scene!

I've compiled a few of my favorite signs in my first week here in Germany.  I hope you enjoy them as I do!

I look forward to compiling more!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Panoramic Germany

I've been having fun with the Stitch assist function on my camera.  I've never had so many opportunities to take fabulous shots like this.  We have been fortunate to have wonderful weather so far since we've been here.  However, the forecast is for snow by this weekend.  We have also been doing so much hiking, which has been awesome for my body.  John and I are both so pleasantly surprised when we look in the mirror now.  If we can just find a good ratio of beer drinking to hiking, we'll be quite buff by the time we get back to the states.

Our daily routine seems to be taking the hiking trail from our small town of Oberweissenbrunn through the town of Frankenheim, until we reach a slightly bigger town of Bischofsheim.  There we can go to the market and buy food and beer.  We have a smaller bakery and tiny market here, but they keep odd hours, and we often miss them.  But what else have we got to do besides walk around and take in the sights?

One moment please: The Barcarolle, "Belle Nuit, o nuit d'amore" from Les Contes d'Hoffmann, just came on my itunes.  Brings back memories from when I sang that duet with another Nicole.  : )

Tomorrow we go back to Meiningen, which is a larger city with an opera house, and more specifically, with John's vocal coach, Barbara.  We're trying to get her back to the States with us for a bit, but for now we will soak up as much of her as we can.

Please click on these to see them bigger.  They are worth it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Ich bin im Deutschland!

After a very trying travel (think 2 planes, 2 trains, and 2 buses), John and I are in our rented flat in Germany. It is quite chilly here, as expected, but gorgeous.  The country is in the heart of Fall, or herbst, and the colors are gorgeous!  We are located in the Rhön region of Germany, which is nestled in a valley among the mountains, in the small town of Oberweissbrun.

We took a walking path to the nearby town of Bischofsheim, which is where we get our groceries.  This seems an older town, as the architecture is distinctly German, and old.  I'm a sucker for traditional architecture.

More soon!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kitty of the Wild

This guy greeted me on the way to the car this morning.  For once, it seemed, I had my camera in my hands and ready.  Love when that happens.

In more important news, John and I leave for Germany this month.  So hard to believe it has finally come down to a couple weeks.  I bought a proper jacket for cold weather and snow.  Being from Florida, it's never been a big deal to not have one.  I have a feeling that will be a well spent $170.
So many little details to worry about now and getting things set.

John's voice is really sounding great, and I look forward to his success in auditions.  That is the whole reason we are going, after all.  I miss singing sometimes.